Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY: When you visit this site, we do not collect personal information about you. We only collect non-personal statistical information such as how many people visit the site or what pages they visited. A small cookie may be placed to tracks trends and doesn’t contain your personal identifying information. You can change your browser to refuse cookies.

This information is collected to improve our site’s performance and is never shared or sold.

This privacy policy is provided to protect you.  We reserve the right to change this policy with notice and will indicate if a change has taken place will full, updated information. Your use of this site indicates acceptance of this privacy policy.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this website are my own. If there is a product for sale, a product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service it should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or third party in question.

You may contact me at Kim@KimKoby (dot) com if you have any questions.